I’m right now on in Arlanda airport, coming back from DevSum 2015. It was my first DevSum, and it was awesome.
Conference had two days and four tracks. Everything conveniently located in central Stockholm at hotel Clarion Sign. Very close to central station and places for evening activities. The atmosphere was very friendly. I met well known faces from speaker community and made some new friendships. It was most social conference I attended this year, very much similar to how DevDay feels. Most of the speakers didn’t sit in the close “speaker’s lounge”, but mingled with attendees, all led by Tibi, the King of DevSum :).
I didn’t attend many talks, but there were few very intersting. Among them Mark Rendle’s C# 6 talk, Troy Hunt’s and Niall Merrigan’s security talks and Hadi’s “silver bullet” talk. There was also Rob Ashton rant about how Erlang is awesome, but I’m not sure he convinced anybody showing mostly his console scrolling with loads of code and hard to understand error messages flying around. But it was hillarious so that’s ok.
My talk went fairly well. It was another installment of the talk I did at Swettugg and LambdaDays. I had around 30 people on public and I hope they got interested by type providers. Big thanks to Tibi and Cornerstone for this opportunity. Slides and code are on github.
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