Weekly ML drop #4 – self-driving cars

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

This week I gathered a lot of articles on the topic of AI for self-driving cars and this will be a theme for this edition.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Some of those are not “news” anymore, as I have a long backlog of them saved. They are all very interesting, though!

Would you buy a car that’s programmed to kill you?
In this article, the author discusses some moral issues related to how self-driving cars will behave in death-threatening situations. If you want to test how your set of morals compare to others, check out this survey.

How Drive.ai Is Mastering Autonomous Driving With Deep Learning
This interesting piece takes a ride with drive.ai. This Silicon Valley company has a different approach than most others autonomous drive providers. Instead of using AI just for vision and understanding surrounding and using a rule-based approach to making decisions, they apply deep learning to the whole process of driving.

Self-driving trucks
I recently learned, that truck driver is the most common occupation in the United States. Over 1.7 million people drive all sizes of trucks to deliver goods across the country. The article looks into how knowledge gathered by testing self-driving cars translate to trucks and how the rise of this technology will affect the truckers.

Tesla Drivers Are Paying Big Bucks to Test Flawed Self-Driving Software
Looks like the reality of Tesla’s autopilot is slightly more complicated than promotional videos show. And you need to pay extra to take part in the test program. It may be due to fact that Tesla opted out from using Lidar technology and their autopilot is based solely on cameras. Also check out this youtube channel, that documents evolution of the Autopilot on the same local road.

Intel, Mobileye, and Smiling Curves
Read how recent Intel’s acquisition of Israeli self-driving technology startup fits into technology economy theory called “Smiling Curves”.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Deep Learning for Self-driving Cars @ MIT
This winter MIT offered open lectures about Deep Learning for self-driving cars. If you were in the area, you could sign-up and come for free. Those lectures were recorded and successively published. Now the whole series is complete and available online.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.