Weekly ML drop #11

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving. Last week I didn’t have time to prepare a weekly drop, so some “news” today may be a bit older.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Data is the new oil
In this very interesting article in The Economist, author bring arguments how in the 21st century, data will be (and already is) the main resource to fuel the economy (compared to 20th-century oil)

Sent to Prison by a Software Program’s Secret Algorithm
A man charged with fleeing police in a car was sentence 6 years in prison. One of the information used against him was set of bar charts analysing risks and threats he’s posing to the society. It wasn’t the main proof, but it is a little bit unsettling.

The parts of America most susceptible to automation
Short article discussion which areas of US and why will be most hit by the advent of automation. There’s interesting map there also.

Harnessing automation for a future that works
In this article, on the other hand, the author claims we’re not quite there, and we’ll need close cooperation between people and machines to progress automation.

6 areas of AI and ML to watch closely
If you’re interested what’s really hot in the industry, this article lists 6 most interesting technology areas.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Deep learning simplified
Series of short videos explaining basic concepts of Machine Learning. Recommended rather for total beginners.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #10

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Neuralink and Brain’s Magical Future
Tim Burton from Wait But Why wrote another lengthy article on one of the Elon Musk’s project. This time it’s about Neuralink, some sort of direct interface to the brain. Tim also tackled other AI-related topics, like Superintelligence, which is also a worthy read.

The Myth of Superhuman AI
Kevin Kelly, on the other hand, thinks that we’ll never get to superintelligence for those five reasons. Kevin was also mentioned in two weeks ago edition. I am currently reading his book and if you’re interested in future, it’s a must-read.

Software Predicts Cognitive Decline Using Brain Images
We talked several times about advancements in medicine, that Machine Learning brings. Image recognition algorithms are getting or surpassing human levels of detecting various threats to our health on diagnostic imagery. This article treats the topic of using a neural network to early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

The first wave of Corporate AI is doomed to fail
The author of the article compares current wave of AI-advances to first booms of the internet and cloud computing, that failed miserably. Only after backing off and some advances those technologies hit a home run.

Waymo’s Self-driving cars will take first raiders
Alphabet’s self-driving cars company is going to run tests in Phoenix, including people outside’s of Google. People can sign up, and the rides will be for free. The goal is to check how people use and react to self-driving cars.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Videos from ICLR conference has been published
International Conference on Learning Representations which took place in Toulon, France in late April, just published their video on Facebook.

Learning AI if you suck at math
This is a good article for total beginners, who not only do not have much experience in Machine Learning but also feel they’re lacking in math. It links to several good resources to jump up your algebra and calculus.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #9

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

We need tools to track AI impact on jobs market
An expert panel composed mainly of economists and computer scientists said in a new report, that The World needs a way to measure how technology impacts job market. As when we started measured our economies in the 1930s, which greatly improved government’s awareness of issues to address.

Series of articles on how AI is used in biggest tech companies
Backchannel throughout last year visited major tech companies to interview them, how they use Machina Learning and AI. Apple, Google and Facebook.

Machine learning will be a great help in detecting cancer
The article from Google’s research blog shows how assistance of machine learning algorithms will greatly improve detecting cancer.

Will democracy survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence?
This is a longer read from Scientific American that analyses various impacts of Big Data and growth of Machine Learning will have on future societies. It also tries to answer the question what we should do now, to secure our future.

Learning materials

Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Intel’s Deep Learning 102
Continuation of the webinar I linked last week. In this part, they’re taking an overview of more advanced topics, like convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #8

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

German retailer Otto allows algorithm to order their supplies
To shorter delivery times, Otto allows their Machine Learning based system to automatically resupply the stock, which led to shorter deliveries, fewer returns and less overall losses.

Nobody understands the Deep Learning
There are certain fields, where it is required, that algorithm used to find results must be explainable. Unfortunately, it’s close to impossible answer the question “what exactly caused this network to give this answer” given its complexity – hunders of layers with thousands of neurones. It also makes debugging and finding errors very hard.

AI can aquire biases against race, gender, etc.
There’s an old saying about computer systems: Garbage in, garbage out. It also works with ML systems. What kind of data we feed to learning algorithms, will impact how their models work. That’s why AI based on human generated data, can be not that democratic as some people promise.

Fast Drawing for everyone
This google post talks about the AutoDraw experiment, that figures out what you wanted to draw, and propose you a better representation of it. There are some limitations though. It won’t offer you a cat in similar shape, just bunch of predefined cats. And also a number of recognised objects is quite limited. Still, an interesting toy to play. And if you’re interested in science, behind it, there’s this article on research blog.

Google’s neural networks duel against each other
Most of today’s Machine Learning is so-called supervised learning. It does mean, that somebody needs to feed the algorithm with data, that’s supervised (for example labelled images). One overly simplified case could be that one network is generating cat pictures, and the other one is recognising cats and they get better by feeding data to each other.

I pick one or two videos every now and then that touches an interesting subject in AI and ML field. Sometimes it’s more scientific and the other it’s about real life applications.

In the future, everything will be smart
In this short video Kevin Kelly, author of “The Inevitable“, talks how AI will be a commodity, as electricity became in XIX century and we’re on the brink of another revolution.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Deep Learning 101 from Intel
This one hour webinar goes trough basic concepts of Deep Learning and how those type of algorithms perform on Intel’s stack.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #7

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Exploring the mysteries of Go with AlphaGo and China’s top players
AlphaGo together with Chinese Go Association is bringing together the most talented Go players and computer scientist to explore deeper into the game. Turns out, that last year victory of AlphaGo over human player totally changed how humans play this game.

Who will pay insurance in the era of self-driving cars?
This article discusses impact self-driving cars may have on the insurance industry. As it is suggested currently by analysts, and some first legislation follows, car makers may be responsible for that cost.

Why deep learning is suddenly changing your life?
Just another article that discusses what exactly happened in recent years, that machine learning seems to be everywhere and changing everything. It also explains basic terms and methods used in the field.

AI based hedge fund created a new currency
The article, with a bit sensationalist title, discuss new fintech startup Numerai, that uses open market for AI algorithms to make its trading decisions and rewarding authors of the best algorithms.

How predictive AI will change shopping
The author of this texts brings up few examples how AI revolution impacts the retail world. Thanks to better data collections, connected devices and putting this data together, retail companies can offer better suggestions, increasing their profits.

Learning materials

Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Artificial Intelligence and the Growing Importance of Soft Skills
Very interesting read about which skills are endangered and which not by AI. If you want to prepare for robots taking your job, that’s a good start.

Introduction to Machine Learning
This short video from Intel Nervana AI academy explains basic terms of Machine Learning and most popular types of it.

Stanford series on Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Another academic source of knowledge. I haven’t had time to dig into it, but quick skimming suggests, that’s another amazing 20hrs of the content of ML knowledge, this time targeted at NLP.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #6

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

Accidentally this week, I also have a theme. Most articles are related to impact on workplaces and how companies work.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Axa is using ML to predict big car accident with 78% accuracy
In this article on Google Platform blog, the case of a big insurance company is discussed. What technology was used and how it worked.

How automation impacts economy?
This post discusses potential outcomes of more and more automation in modern economies.

Artificial intelligence could dramatically improve the economy and aspects of everyday life, but we need to invent ways to make sure everyone benefits.

How AI is transforming workplace
Discussion of multiple aspects of workplace and how machine learning and other AI-related technologies may change them.

How AI is changing the way companies are organised
This article brings up some examples how introducing ml tools may change how companies are structured and how internal communication is performed.

Machine learning used to smart compression of videos
Netflix uses new machine learning based algorithm to compress video scene by scene for better results.

Opinions of 17 experts, how worried we should be about AI

Learning materials

Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

In-depth, non-technical guide to machine learning
This five-part article goes through terms and techniques used in machine learning in human-friendly language. Very good first contact with anything machine-learning related.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #5

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

This week I gathered a lot of articles on the topic of AI for self-driving cars and this will be a theme for this edition.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Artificial Intelligence will enable jobs too
Usually, in the context of AI, you can hear predictions of people losing jobs. In this story about IBM “new collar” jobs, we can read that company is aiming at hiring people uneducated in cyber security who have necessary set of natural skills, and augment them with technology to fill lackings in professional skills.

Intel forms new AI division
Intel’s been behind Nvidia in developments of processing units that power AI revolution. Recent acquisitions mentioned last week and forming new group shows that they’re not gonna give up easily. In a similar move, YCombinator is gonna run experimental vertical group focused on AI in next batch of founded startups.

Andrew Ng leaves Baidu
He’ll now focus on “shepherding this important societal change”. He also wants to support ML community around the world. I love the quote from his blog.

Just as electricity transformed many industries roughly 100 years ago, AI will also now change nearly every major industry — healthcare, transportation, entertainment, manufacturing — enriching the lives of countless people. I am more excited than ever about where AI can take us. — Andrew Ng

Agents in OpenAI research develop their own language
In this blog post, OpenAi discusses some results from the research that aimed at teaching AIs developing a new language of communication “by dropping them into a set of simple words, giving them the ability to communicate, and then giving them goals that can be best achieved by communicating with other agents”.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Algorithmia’s not very heavy intro to Deep Learning
This is not very heavy article explaining on a high level what Deep Learning is.

Convolutional Neural Networks
Recently in my learnings, I was exploring the topic of CNNs. This is a type of neural networks that are very good at image recognition tasks. This series of articles going through interesting papers on the field and this papers were especially interesting. I highly recommend them if you’re interested in the topic.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly ML drop #4 – self-driving cars

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

This week I gathered a lot of articles on the topic of AI for self-driving cars and this will be a theme for this edition.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Some of those are not “news” anymore, as I have a long backlog of them saved. They are all very interesting, though!

Would you buy a car that’s programmed to kill you?
In this article, the author discusses some moral issues related to how self-driving cars will behave in death-threatening situations. If you want to test how your set of morals compare to others, check out this survey.

How Drive.ai Is Mastering Autonomous Driving With Deep Learning
This interesting piece takes a ride with drive.ai. This Silicon Valley company has a different approach than most others autonomous drive providers. Instead of using AI just for vision and understanding surrounding and using a rule-based approach to making decisions, they apply deep learning to the whole process of driving.

Self-driving trucks
I recently learned, that truck driver is the most common occupation in the United States. Over 1.7 million people drive all sizes of trucks to deliver goods across the country. The article looks into how knowledge gathered by testing self-driving cars translate to trucks and how the rise of this technology will affect the truckers.

Tesla Drivers Are Paying Big Bucks to Test Flawed Self-Driving Software
Looks like the reality of Tesla’s autopilot is slightly more complicated than promotional videos show. And you need to pay extra to take part in the test program. It may be due to fact that Tesla opted out from using Lidar technology and their autopilot is based solely on cameras. Also check out this youtube channel, that documents evolution of the Autopilot on the same local road.

Intel, Mobileye, and Smiling Curves
Read how recent Intel’s acquisition of Israeli self-driving technology startup fits into technology economy theory called “Smiling Curves”.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Deep Learning for Self-driving Cars @ MIT
This winter MIT offered open lectures about Deep Learning for self-driving cars. If you were in the area, you could sign-up and come for free. Those lectures were recorded and successively published. Now the whole series is complete and available online.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly Machine Learning drop #3

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning during last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on the topic I stumble upon. Those posts are published each Friday, they are divided into few categories and the format is constantly evolving.

In this part, I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Some of those are not “news” anymore, as I have a long backlog of them saved. They are all very interesting, though!

Google acquires Kaggle
Kaggle is a platform for solving machine learning problems. As a company, you can publish your problem with sample dataset and pay people the or best solution of your problem. There are also practice tasks, for example analysing Titanic data. Last week Google bought Kaggle, most likely to access 800’000 community of machine learning developers.

Poker is another game, AI can beat humans in
Two independent researcher groups’ AIs managed to beat professional players in Texas Hold’em Poker, the most complicated version of poker. It’s another game at which computers are getting better.  Will those teams now play against each other?

Facebook wants to predict and prevent suicide attempts
Using machine learning and tens of thousands of reported posts, facebook build a model to predict people who plan to commit suicide. On a similar note, there is a map, that tries to predict crimes in London. Are we getting closer to Minority Report?

Is AI going to kill us all?
When you see a movie about AI, it usually tries to whipe out humanity. But there are also people thinking otherwise with solid philosophical arguments.

JPMorgan Software Does in Seconds What Took Lawyers 360,000 Hours
Big banks feeling more and more competition from fintech sector, are turning into ML to streamline their processes and help replace layers of redundant software.

I pick one or two videos every week that touches an interesting subject in AI and ML field. Sometimes it’s more scientific and the other it’s about real life applications.

AI experts panel from Beneficial AI conference
Watch Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom and few others discuss their outlooks for incoming artificial intelligence.

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning ML that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is usually rather technical stuff.

Google’s Depp Learning course on Udacity
This 3 months course goes through fundamentals of Deep Learning. Starting from building simple neural networks from a linear regression model, up to exploring Convolutional Neural Networks for image recognition and Long Term Short Memory algorithms for text analysis. It’s based on Tensorflow so basic knowledge of htis library will be helpful. It also assumes some basic knowledge in Machine Learning.

Pytorch tutorial on Github
Pytorch is another tensor-based python library for machine learning. It has its fans among the academic world and some upsides over Tensorflow.

This is it for today, thanks for reading. If you liked the post, let me know and please check other parts of the series.

Weekly Machine Learning drop #2

I’ve become more and more interested in machine learning in last year. This is my way of collecting and sharing interesting reads on topic I stumble upon. They will be arranged in few categories. Those posts will be published each Friday and format will evolve.

In this part I share interesting news from machine learning and artificial intelligence world. Those are mostly not very scientific articles about interesting applications,  predictions and controversies that AI causes.

Some of those are not “news” anymore, as I have a long backlog of them saved. They are all very interesting though!

The Great A.I. awakening.
Fascinating (and long) read on how Machine Learning drastically changed backends of Google services. If you are to read only one article from this week’s drop, pick this one.

Future of Finance
AI and Bitcoin are driving next generation of hedge funds. Read about how technology changes financial market.

“Ross” is AI Lawyer
Lawyers are expected to be one of the jobs to be replaced by AI. Algorightms are much better in going through complicated laws and precedences and drawing logical conclusions from set of rules. Ross is already doing great job as paralegal.

The AI Takeover Is Coming
Author is exploring more positives sides of incoming AI revolution. Instead of fearing the machine, let’s Embrace It.

I pick one or two videos every week that touches interesting subject in AI and ML field. Some time it’s more scientific and the other it’s about real life applications.

Tensorflow Dev Summit 2017
This is whole playlist for this year’s Tensorflow Summit. It took place in mid February in Mountain View, CA. Talks on ecosystem, distributing calculation, building models or art generation. Pick what interests you :)

Learning materials
Here I’m sharing material for learning machine learning that I found useful – online courses, blogs, books etc. This is gonna be rather technical stuff.

MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence lectures
23 lectures from MIT, going through many AI algorithms and methodologies. Most of them are from Fall 2010, but some have been updated with versions from later years to include new advances in areas like Neural Networks.

Rules of ML
Google’s guidelines for developing Machine Learning systems. Slightly technical (but on high level) document presenting how Google approaches designing AI products.